Industry News, Trends and Technology, and Standards Updates

台灣印刷電路板協會, TPCA (Taiwan Printed Circuit Board) Show is coming up: Will we see you there?

Posted by Michael Lee; Country Manager Taiwan on Oct 17, 2018 11:46:00 AM

Michael Lee of Cimetrix Taiwan talks about the upcoming TPCA show. Read now in Chinese or below in English.

TPCA(台灣印刷電路板協會)2018展會即將到來,我們很高興能連續第二年參展!該展將於10月24日至26日在台北南港展覽中心舉行。 TPCA展會旨在實現智能製造,因為印刷電路板行業與上游和下游的價值鏈相連。預計今年展會將有400多家參展商。





The TPCA (Taiwan Printed Circuit Board Association) 2018 show is almost here and Cimetrix is excited to be exhibiting for the second year in a row! The show will be held at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center from October 24-26. One key theme of this year's TPCA show is the realization of Smart Manufacturing as the printed circuit board industry connects members of its value chain both upstream and downstream. More than 400 exhibitors are expected to be at the show this year.TPCA

The TPCA show brings together PCB manufacturers, SMT manufacturing and test equipment suppliers, Green environment equipment and material manufacturing industries, and suppliers of thermal-modules packaging and surface finishing equipment. 

Cimetrix is excited to be a part of this show, where we discuss how our innovative software products for Smart Manufacturing can help both the equipment suppliers and the PCB manufacturing companies

Come visit us at booth I-226 and/or request a meeting any time on our Events page!

Meet with Us

Topics: Doing Business with Cimetrix, Events, Global Services, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0

SECS/GEM Series: GEM Control State

Posted by Mark Bennett; Client Support Engineer on Oct 11, 2018 10:59:00 AM

What is GEM Control State?

The GEM Control State is one of the fundamental E30 GEM requirements. It defines the level of cooperation between the host and equipment and specifies how the operator may interact at the different levels of host control.

In a semiconductor factory, the host or operator may be in control of equipment processing. Having both sides in control of the equipment at the same time poses problems. When one side is in control of the equipment, the other side should be limited in the operations it can perform. For example, if an operator pauses processing, the host should not be allowed to send commands to resume processing or to start a new job. The GEM Control State is provided to prevent these types of issues from occurring.

SEMI E30 GEM Control State ModelFigure 1: SEMI E30 GEM Control State Model

How does the Control State work?

The Control State provides three basic levels of control. Each level describes which operations may be performed by the host and equipment sides.


  • The host may control the equipment to the fullest extent possible.
  • The equipment may impose limits on the local operator’s ability to control the equipment, but this is not a requirement of the standard. The host must be capable of handling unexpected commands invoked by the operator at the equipment.
  • GEM Remote Commands are used by the host to invoke commands on the equipment.


  • The operator may control the equipment to the full extent possible.
  • The host has full access to information. The host can collect data using other GEM features such as collection events, traces, and status data collection.
  • Limits are placed on how the host can affect equipment operations:
    • Remote commands that initiate processing (e.g. START) or cause physical movement are prohibited. During processing, remote commands that affect processing (STOP, ABORT, PAUSE, RESUME) are also prohibited.
    • Other remote commands that do not initiate processing, cause physical movement, or affect processing may be allowed.
    • During processing, the host is prohibited from modifying any equipment constants that affect that process.
    • Equipment constants that do not affect the currently running process may be changed.
    • All equipment constants are changeable when not processing.


  • The operator has complete control of the equipment.
  • The host has no control over equipment operations and very limited information gathering capabilities.
  • The only messages that the equipment will accept from the host are:
    • Messages used to establish GEM communication (S1F13/F14).
    • Requests to activate Online Control State (S1F17), but only if the currently active state is Host Offline (transition #11 on the Control State Model).
    • S1F2 “Are You There Response” while the attempting to go Online.
  • The only primary messages that the equipment may send to the host are:
    • Messages used to establish communications (S1F13).
    • S9Fx messages, but only in response to the messages to which the equipment will normally respond to while Offline (i.e., S1F13 and S1F17).
    • S1F1 “Are You There Request” is sent to the host when the “Attempt ON-LINE” sub-state is entered. This message is used to get permission from the host to transition into an Online state (transition #5).
  • No messages are spooled while Offline.

The Control State Model was designed in a way to give the equipment operator more control over the state machine than the host.  This protects the operator from unexpected state changes initiated from the host.

  • The equipment operator can choose which Online sub-state is active through the operator interface. The host side cannot choose which Online sub-state is active.
  • The equipment side can put the Control State Model into an Equipment Offline state (transition #6). When in this state, the host cannot request to go Online.
  • The host side can put the Control State into a Host Offline state (transition #10), but the equipment side could reject this request. When in the Host Offline state, the equipment side can always attempt to go Online by first transitioning into the Equipment Offline state (transition #12) followed by an attempt to go Online (transition #3).

Operator Interface Requirements

The equipment must provide a way of displaying the current Control State to let the operator know who is in control of the equipment.

The equipment must provide a momentary switch to initiate the transition to the Equipment Offline state, and another switch to attempt to go Online from the Equipment Offline state. This may be a hardware switch on the front panel, but is often implemented in software using button controls.

The equipment must provide a discrete two-position switch which the operator may use to indicate the desired Online sub-state (Local or Remote). This may be a hardware switch on the front panel, but is often implemented in software using button controls. If implemented in software, the setting must be saved in non-volatile storage.

Conditional State Transitions

In the Control State Model, transitions #1, #2, #4, and #7 are conditional state transitions. The equipment application must provide a way of configuring which state to transition into. Equipment constants may be used for these configuration settings.

Conditional transitions #1 and #2 determine the initial state of the Control State Model during startup. The configuration that controls these transitions can be set for one of the following states:

  • Online
  • Equipment Offline
  • Attempt Online
  • Host Offline

Conditional transition #4 is used to determine which state to transition into after an equipment attempt to go Online fails. The configuration can be set to one of the following states:

  • Equipment Offline
  • Host Offline

Conditional transition #7 is used to determine which Online sub-state (Local or Remote) should be active when the Control State becomes Online. The configuration can be set to one of the following Online sub-states:

  • Local
  • Remote

Which Messages are used for Control State?

Message ID




Host <- Equipment

This message is sent to the host when the equipment attempts to go Online (in the “Attempt ON-LINE” state). The host grants permission by sending the S1F2 reply message. The host can deny permission by sending S1F0 or allowing the message transaction to time out.


Host -> Equipment

The host sends this message to request a transition from “Host Offline” to Online (transition #11).


Host -> Equipment

The host sends this message to request a transition from Online to “Host Offline” (transition #10).


Click here to read the other articles in our SECS/GEM Features and Benefits series. 

To download a white paper with an introduction to SECS/GEM, Click below:

SECS/GEM White Paper

Topics: SECS/GEM, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, SECS/GEM Features & Benefits Series

The Gigafab Minute and SEMI Standards: A Modern Miracle

Posted by Alan Weber: Vice President, New Product Innovations on Oct 4, 2018 11:04:00 AM

Gigafab minuteEven for someone who has been in this industry since the days of the TI Datamath 4-function calculator and the TMS1100 4-bit microcontroller (yes, that’s been a LONG time – the movie Grease premiered the same year!), it is sometimes hard to grasp the scope and complexity of what happens in today’s leading-edge semiconductor gigafabs. In fact, the only way to comprehend the enormous volume of transactions that occur is to consider what happens in a single minute – this is illustrated in the infographic we have labeled “The Gigafab Minute.”* 

It’s amazing enough to think that a single factory can start 100,000 wafers every month on their cyclical journey through 1500 process steps… and have 99%+ of them emerge 4 months later to be delivered to packaging houses and then on to waiting customers. It’s quite another to realize that all of this happens continuously (24 x 7) and automatically. TMS1100-TIDatamath-image

“How is this possible?” you ask.

Well, a big part of the solution is the body of SEMI standards which have evolved since the early 80s to keep pace with the ever-changing demands of the industry. From an automation standpoint, many of these standards deal with the communications between manufacturing equipment and the factory information and control systems that are essential for managing these complex, hyper-competitive global enterprises.

A significant characteristic of these standards is that they have been carefully designed to be “additive.” This means that new generations of SEMI’s communications standards do not supplant or obsolete the previous generations, but rather provide new capabilities in an incremental fashion. To appreciate the importance of this in actual practice, consider how the GEM, GEM300, and EDA/Interface A standards support the transactions that occur in a single Gigafab Minute. 

Starting at 1:00 o’clock on the infographic and moving clockwise, you first notice that 2.31 wafers enter the line. Of course, these are actually released in 25-wafer 300mm FOUPs (Front-Opening Unified Pod), but 100K wafers per month translates to 2.31 per minute. Since these factories run continuously, once the line is full, it stays full. And with an average total cycle time of 4 months, this means that there are 400K wafers of WIP (work in process) in the factory at any given time. This number, and the total number of equipment (5000+), drive the rest of the calculations. 

GEM (Generic Equipment Model) – SEMI E30, etc.

The GEM messaging standards were initially defined in the early 90s to support the factory scheduling and dispatching applications that decide what lots should go to what equipment, the automated material handling systems that deliver and pick-up material to/from the equipment accordingly, the recipe management systems that ensure each process step is executed properly, and the MES (Manufacturing Execution System) transactions that maintain the fidelity of the factory system’s “digital twin.” 

Every minute of every day, GEM messages support and chronicle the following activities: 240 process steps are completed (i.e., 240 25-wafer lots are processed), 300 recipes are downloaded along with a set of run-specific adjustable control parameters, and 600 FOUPs are moved from one place to another (equipment, stockers, under-track storage, etc.). For each of these activities, the factory’s MES is notified instantaneously.

GEM300 – SEMI E40, E87, E90, E94, E157

With the advent of 300mm manufacturing in the mid-to-late 90s, a global team of volunteer system engineers from the leading chip makers defined the GEM300 standards to support fully automated manufacturing operations. Starting at 5:00 o’clock on the infographic, the number of transactions per minute jumps almost 3 orders of magnitude, from the monitoring of 900 control jobs across 4000 process tools to the tracking of 360,000 individual recipe step change events. This level of event granularity is essential for the latest generation of FDC (Fault Detection and Classification) applications, because precise data framing is a key prerequisite for minimizing the false alarm rate while still preventing serious process excursions. In this context, more than 6000 recipe-, product- and chamber-specific fault models may be evaluated every minute.

Simultaneously, the applications that monitor instantaneous throughput to prevent “productivity excursions” and identify systemic “wait time waste” situations depend on detailed intra-tool wafer movement events. In a fab with hundreds of multi-chamber, single-wafer processes, 75,000 or more of these events occur every minute. gantt-chart-cycle-time

EDA (Equipment Data Acquisition) – SEMI E120, E125, E132, E134, E164, etc.

Rounding out the SEMI standards in our example gigafab is the suite of EDA standards which complement the command and control functions of GEM/GEM300 with flexible, high-performance, model-based data collection. The EDA standards enable the on-demand collection of the volume and variety of “big data” required from the equipment to support the advanced analysis, machine learning, and other AI (Artificial Intelligence) applications that are becoming increasingly prevalent in leading semiconductor manufacturers. As EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet) lithography moves from pilot production to high-volume manufacturing at the 7nm process node and beyond, the litho process area will become a major source of process data by itself, generating 10 GB of data every minute. This is in addition to the 100 GB of data collected from other process areas. graph-and-equipmentfolder

The End Result

The final wedge (12:00 o’clock) in our infographic highlights the real objective – which is producing the millions of integrated circuits that fuel our global economy and provide the technologies that are an integral part of our modern way of life. Assuming a nominal die size of 50 square mm (typical of an 8 GB DRAM), the 2.31 wafers we started at 1:00 o’clock result in almost 3200 individual chips. But none of this would be possible without the pervasive factory automation technology we now take for granted. So, as you finish reading this posting on whatever device you happen to be using, take a micro-moment to acknowledge and thank the hundreds of standards volunteers whose insights and efforts made this a reality!

Red_smart_factory-TWYou may not be responsible for running a gigafab anytime soon, but the SEMI standards used in this setting are no less applicable to any Smart Manufacturing environment. Give us a call if you’d like to know more about how these technologies can benefit your operations for many years to come. 


You can see this infographic and much more in the Cimetrix Resource center.


 *The Gigafab Minute was inspired by an analogous explication of the scope and impact of today’s Internet from Lori Lewis and Chadd Callahan of Cumulus Media, and published on the Visual Capitalist web site (

Topics: Industry Highlights, SECS/GEM, Semiconductor Industry, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0

SECS/GEM series: Message Logging

Posted by Tim Hutchison: Senior Software Engineer on Sep 19, 2018 10:51:00 AM

In 1977, the classic movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was released.  Towards the end of the movie, there is a dramatic "conversation" between the space aliens and the humans. One of the scientists makes the statement, "I hope someone is taking all this down."

What they really wanted was message logging!

Just like software logging is important for troubleshooting an application, logging the detailed message traffic between a factory host and the manufacturing equipment is just as important for troubleshooting.

For example, a host sends a command, and the equipment behaves based upon the message, but something does not work as expected.  It would be very helpful to see the message that was sent and the reply from the equipment, in conjunction with any other logs from the equipment to determine where the problem is located.

The format used to display/represent the logged messages is also very important. The latest industry standard for SECS message formatting is SEMI E173, the Specification for XML SECS-II Message Notation (SMN).

Here is an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SECSMessageScenario xmlns="urn:semi-org:xsd.SMN">
                <Comment time="2018-02-05T18:19:20.365Z">State Change NotConnected</Comment>
                <Comment time="2018-02-05T18:19:20.400Z">State Change NotSelected</Comment>
                <HSMSMessage time="2018-02-05T18:19:20.394Z" sType="Select.req" direction="H to E" txid="1">
                <HSMSMessage time="2018-02-05T18:19:20.417Z" sType="Select.rsp" direction="E to H" txid="1">
                                <Description>Communication Established</Description>

Here is an S5,F5 example:

<SECSMessage s="5" f="5" direction="H to E" replyBit="true" txid="7" time="2018-02-05T18:19:20.507Z">
        <UI4 />
<SECSMessage s="5" f="6" direction="E to H" replyBit="false" txid="7" time="2018-02-05T18:19:20.507Z">
                <ASC>Alarm 1 Text</ASC>

The SMN format is ideally suited for:

  • Capturing the HSMS header information in a clear way
  • Logging messages in an exact, binary format
  • Reading the logs using software
  • Creating a host or equipment emulator, since it is easy to read the logging from a software application and play it back.
  • Extracting data from the SMN logs

The logs can be captured by the Equipment, Host, or even a "network sniffer" like Cimetrix's CIMSniffer utility.

Cimetrix’s Logviewer utility supports SMN logs as well:

message logging blog image

With these standards and tools available, there's no reason to be like the scientist in Close Encounters, hoping that the messages were being logged.  Turn on logging!

Cimetrix's CIMConnect, HostConnect and SECSConnect all provide message logging in the SMN format.

Click here to read the other articles in our SECS/GEM Features and Benefits series. 

To download a white paper with an introduction to SECS/GEM, Click below:

SECS/GEM White Paper

Topics: SECS/GEM, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, SECS/GEM Features & Benefits Series

SEMICON Taiwan 2018 wrap-up

Posted by Kimberly Daich; Director of Marketing on Sep 12, 2018 11:57:00 AM

Booth2SEMICON Taiwan was held September 5-7, 2018 at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center. During that same time (Friday September 7), the e-Manufacturing & Design Collaboration Symposium (eMDC) alsotook place in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Cimetrix exhibited in the Smart Manufacturing Pavilion and had a strong presence at both shows, exhibiting and speaking at SEMICON, and speaking and sponsoring a tea break at eMDC. 

Cimetrix SEMICON attendees included Dave Faulkner (VP Sales and Marketing), Michael Lee (Country Manager Taiwan), Yufeng Huang (Senior Software Engineer), Alan Weber (VP New Product Innovations), Samson Wang (Solutions Engineer) and Kimberly Daich (Marketing Manager); Hwal Song (Country Manager Korea) was also able to attend for one day. We were joined by several partners and distributors as well. The Cimetrix booth was busy throughout the show, and provided a comfortable and convenient setting for the many scheduled and walk-in meetings that took place.

techXspot_taiwan2018_DaveIn addition to the exhibitions, SEMICON Taiwan also sponsored many forums for expert speakers throughout the show. Dave Faulkner spoke on Friday morning on the topic of "Making Smart Manufacturing Work with EDA: The Stakeholder-driven requirements Development Process". On that same day, Alan Weber traveled to Hsinchu for eMDC and spoke on a similar topic, "Smart Manufacturing Stakeholders and Their Requirements." Smart Manufacturing is a prevailing topic across the industry and was featured at SEMICON Taiwan, as they continue the Smart Manufacturing Journey that began with SEMICON West. 

Our office in Taiwan has expanded recently with the addition of a new Solutions Engineer, and we are excited as new opportunities open up throughout the region. 

IMG_3881If you would like to learn more about Smart Manufacturing, our work in Taiwan or Cimetrix, please feel free to ask an expert any time. 

Contact Us


Topics: Doing Business with Cimetrix, Events, Global Services, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0

EDA Applications and Benefits for Smart Manufacturing Episode 5: Fleet Matching and Management

Posted by Alan Weber: Vice President, New Product Innovations on Sep 5, 2018 10:30:00 AM

In the fourth article of this series, Fault Detection and Classification, we highlighted the application that has been the principal driver for the adoption of EDA (Equipment Data Acquisition) standards across the industry thus far, namely Fault Detection and Classification (FDC). In this posting, we’ll discuss another important application that effectively leverages the capabilities of the EDA standard: Fleet Matching and Management. 

Problem Statement

The problem that fleet matching (which also covers chamber and tool matching) addresses is maintaining large sets of similar equipment types at the same operating point in order to maximize lot scheduling flexibility by the real-time scheduling and dispatching systems that run modern wafer fabs. This avoids the situation where specific equipment instances are dedicated to (and therefore reserved for) critical layers of certain products, processes or recipes, which can reduce the effective capacity of the affected process area. This situation can arise because tools naturally “drift” apart over time, especially when manual adjustments are made to the equipment, or other factors (maintenance actions, consumable material changes, key sub-system replacements, etc.) affect the equipment’s operating envelope. eda5.1

Of course, part of the problem is choosing which equipment should be the one matched to—the so-called “golden tool.” And depending on the breadth of the fab’s product/process mix, there may be multiple targets to choose from, further complicating the task. 

Solution Components

The solutions for many of today’s complex manufacturing problems require lots of high-quality equipment data, and fleet matching is no exception. Like FDC, choosing the golden tool(s) also requires some information about which recent lots exhibited the highest yields, which must be correlated with the equipment used throughout the process. Unlike FDC, however, it is NOT necessary to build hundreds (if not thousands) of multivariate fault models specific to the various context combinations, because the underlying principle of chamber/tool/fleet matching is that “if all the fundamental operating mechanisms of a set of equipment are working consistently, then the behavior of the equipment in aggregate should likewise be consistent.” This means that the matching process can be largely recipe independent, which is a major simplification over other statistically based applications.

This is not as simple as it may first appear, because a complex equipment may have scores of these mechanisms (pressure/flow control, multi-zone temperature control, motion control, power/phase generation, etc.) for which thousands of parameters must be collected to characterize and monitor equipment behavior accurately. Static and dynamic equipment configuration information also comes into play, since similar (but not identical) tools may be interchangeable for certain processes. 

This is where the EDA standards enter the picture.

EDA Standards Leverage

Although not explicitly required by the SEMI EDA standards, the intent and expectation of its designers was to support a far richer (read “more detailed”) equipment metadata model than is practical in most SECS/GEM implementations. With respect to fleet matching and management, this would include not just the high-level status variables for key equipment mechanisms (listed above), but also the setpoints, internal control parameters, and detailed status of their underlying components. 

The metadata model must also include the complete set of equipment constants that govern tool operation, since these “constants” are sometimes changed “on the fly” by an operator within some allowable range. While this may be an acceptable production practice, it nevertheless affects the tool’s operating window, and must be accounted for in the matching algorithms.EDA5.2-667640-edited 

Moreover, the communications interface should support sampling and data collection of these detailed parameters at a frequency sufficient to observe the complete real-time operation of these mechanisms so the process and equipment engineers can more deeply understand how the equipment actually works. Support for this level of equipment visibility was also a stated requirement for the EDA standards.

Once this data is collected, a variety of analysis tools can look for similarities and anomalies in the equipment parameters to identify the factors that matter most in achieving consistent process performance. At this writing, a number of companies are looking at this domain as an ideal application for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology. Stay tuned for exciting developments in this area. 

KPIs Affected

The KPI (Key Performance Indicators) most impacted by the fleet matching and management application is overall factory cycle time, since the scheduling systems can make optimal use of all available equipment to move material through the fab.Accelerate gains, reduce costs

Equipment uptime is also improved, because the continuous equipment mechanism “fingerprinting” process which is fundamental to fleet matching also catches potential problems before they cause the entire tool to fail. Finally, when more equipment instances are available for running experimental lots (rather than having dedicated tools for this), the yield ramp for new processes can be shortened as well.

If keeping a large set of supposedly identical equipment operating consistently is a challenge you currently face, give us a call. We can help you understand the approaches for building a standards-based Smart Manufacturing data collection infrastructure to support the machine learning algorithms that are increasingly prevalent in this latest generation of manufacturing applications… including fleet matching and management. Smart Factory

To Learn more about the EDA/Interface A Standard for automation requirements, download the EDA/Interface A white paper today.



Topics: EDA/Interface A, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, EDA in Smart Manufacturing Series

SEMICON Taiwan 2018 is Almost Here!

Posted by Michael Lee; Country Manager Taiwan on Aug 29, 2018 10:48:00 AM

SEMICON Taiwan 2018 is just around the corner. Read the preview now in Chinese or below in English.

semicon taiwan banner

台灣半導體展在台灣微電子生產是一個非常重要的活動。矽美科即將在下週參加此半導體展。展期將由9/5 星期三至9/7星期五,在台北南港展覽館K2760 攤位。台灣半導體提供了一個很好的機會給公司及個人交流的平台,我們非常高興看到我們的客戶及新朋友分享我們的成長。

矽美科我們的 銷售和市場部副總裁 Dave Faulkner, 將會在9月7號禮拜五SEMICON TechXPOT演講

若是你有經過我們的攤位K2760, 歡迎你跟我們的專家交流有關連線和相關的需求,我們會在現場做產品演練及介紹和告訴你們我們公司的簡介,你也可以預先來郵件預約,謝謝你。


semicon taiwan banner

SEMICON Taiwan is the premier event in Taiwan for microelectronics manufacturing and Cimetrix will be there next week! The show runs from Wednesday, September 5 through Friday, September 7, 2018 at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center. SEMICON Taiwan is always a great opportunity to connect with the companies and people in our industry and we are excited to see our clients, meet new people, and share the latest news of Cimetrix products and services with our Taiwan colleagues.

As the semiconductor and microelectronics manufacturing industries grow, SEMICON Taiwan continues to grow as well, both in the number of people who attend and in the number of exhibitors.   This year, Cimetrix will be exhibiting as part of the Smart Manufacturing & Automation Pavilion at Booth K2760. The Smart Manufacturing Pavilion is a great place to start to understand the entire manufacturing process including Front End, Back End and PCB Assembly. Cimetrix-Dave-Faulkner-Square

Cimetrix will also have an expert talk led by Dave Faulkner, Vice President Sales and Marketing, at the SEMICON TechXPOT on Friday, September 7, and we invite you to join us there.


On the same day, at the eMDC 2018 event in Hsinchu, our EDA expert, Alan Weber, will deliver a presentation titled Smart Manufacturing Stakeholders and Their Requirements.

Stop by our booth any time to talk to our experts about your specific connectivity and control needs. We will have onsite product demonstrations as well as information about our company available. You can also schedule in advance a time to meet with us at the show by filling out a quick form with your meeting request. 

Meet with Us

Topics: Doing Business with Cimetrix, Events, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0

한국에서의 EDA 연착륙을 위한 3 차 세미나 개최; Hosting the third seminar for soft landing of EDA in Korea

Posted by Hwal Song on Aug 15, 2018 11:04:00 AM

Hwal Song of Cimetrix Korea talks about EDA/Interface A and Korean Equipment Makers. Read now in Korean or below in English.


Cimetrix Korea와 국내 파트너사인 링크제니시스는 EDA에 대한 세미나를 7 월 19 일에 개최했습니다. 삼성, SK 하이닉스를 포함한 글로벌 반도체 제조사들이 공정 장비의 추가 통신 프로토콜로 EDA를 채택함에 따라 EDA가 더욱 각광을 받게 되면서 개최한 세번째 세미나였습니다. 지금까지 200 명이 넘는 엔지니어가 이들 세미나에 참석하였으면, 이에 따라 한국에서의 EDA 연착륙이 진행 중입니다. 이들 세미나의 목적은 EDA의 이해부족로 오는 시행착오를 줄이고 첫번째 EDA구현을 가장 빠른 시간에 구현하기 위함입니다.

반도체 제조사의 EDA 채택은 차세대 분석 기능을 구현하고 딥러닝 및 머신 러닝 등과 같은 빅 데이터 및 AI의 새로운 기술을 수용하기 위한 주요 노력의 일환입니다. 대부분의 공정장비들이Freeze II 및 E164가 포함된 EDA 기능의 장착이 요구되거나 요구될 예정이여서,  Cimetrix Korea는EDA의 일반적인 개념뿐만 아니라 심도 있는 구현 방법론에 대한 이해를 위한 도움이 각 장비 제조사의 소프트웨어 엔지니어들에게 필요함을 인지하였습니다. 이러한 요구를 충족시키기 위해 다음과 같이 내용으로 세미나가 준비되었습니다.

  • EDA관련 업계 동향 및 채택 현황 -  E164의 중요성 포함
  • 반도체 제조사가 EDA 사양을 어떤 과정을 거쳐 준비하는가?
  • 장비제조사의 소프트웨어팀 관점에서 EDA 구현의 모범 사례와 방법론
  • 여러 장비제조사의 소프트웨어팀을 코칭한 컨설팅 및 지원 팀의 관점에서 EDA 구현 모범 사례와 방법론
  • 구현중이거나 구현된 EDA 적합성 테스트의 모범 사례

활발한 토론과 Q&A를 통해서 한국의 장비 제조사들의 EDA에 대한 높은 관심을 엿볼 수있는 행사였습니다.

궁금한 점이 있으시면 언제든 연락주시기 바랍니다.

Hwal Song

Cimetrix Korea and our local partner, Linkgenesis, held a seminar about SEMI EDA on July 19, the third one since 2016. EDA continues to gain momentum as global chip makers like Samsung and SK hynix have adopted EDA as an additional communication protocol for process tools. So far, over 200 engineers have attended these seminars, promoting the soft landing of EDA in Korea. Their goals include minimizing trial and error due to the lack of understanding on EDA, and speeding up the first deployment of EDA.


Adoption of EDA by chip makers is one of the major efforts for factories to implement their next-generation analytic capabilities and also embrace new technologies from big data and AI such as deep learning and machine learning. As most process tools are or will be required to ship with EDA capability, with Freeze II and E164, Cimetrix Korea recognized that Korean software engineers employed at equipment makers were looking for help in understanding in-depth deployment methodologies as well as understanding the general concept of EDA. In order to accommodate these needs, our seminars have been put together with following agenda:

  • General industry trends of EDA and its adoption – the importance of E164
  • Koreablog-1How an EDA specification is put together by a chip maker
  • Best practices & methodologies for implementation of EDA – from the perspective of a software team at a tool maker
  • Best practices & methodologies for implementation of EDA – from the perspective of a consulting and support team who have coached many software teams in tool makers
  • Testing best practices during and after EDA implementation

Active discussions and Q&A showed the high level of interest in EDA among Korean equipment makers. 

Please feel free to contact us whenever you have any questions.

Hwal Song

Topics: EDA/Interface A, Doing Business with Cimetrix, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0

SECS/GEM series: Protocol Layer

Posted by Bill Grey: Distinguished Software Engineer on Aug 2, 2018 10:43:00 AM

Purpose of the Protocol Layer

The protocol layer packages data and reliably transfers it between the factory host and the equipment GEM interface.


Protocol Layer Definition

The protocol layer implements the transport technology and data packing algorithms used to send messages across a wire between a factory host and an equipment GEM interface.  

The SEMI E5 standard, SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II), defines  SECS messages that are used as the data and defines how they are packed into binary buffers for transport.

The SEMI E37 and E37.1 standards, High-Speed SECS Message Services (HSMS), define a protocol for exchanging SECS messages over a TCP/IP connection. This is the most used transport technology in SECS/GEM.

secsgem protocol layer image

HSMS Protocol Stack

The SEMI E4 standard, SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 1 Message transfer (SECS-I), defines a mechanism for exchanging SECS messages over RS-232. This is normally used for older equipment or for some hardware inside an equipment such as an EFEM controller.

The rest of the document will focus on SECS messages over HSMS.

Protocol Layer Benefits

The protocol layer in GEM maintains the connection and detects a loss of connection so either party may take appropriate action such as activating Spooling

The protocol layer defines handshaking mechanisms to ensure delivery of messages if desired. 

The protocol layer connection is point-to-point between the factory host and equipment. It is a dedicated connection with no broadcast capabilities. This makes it easier to predict network loading.

Data Density

SECS/GEM transmits data with little overhead and high density. This means less network bandwidth usage for a given data set.  

For illustrative purposes, let us look at a typical example of an event report and compare SECS/GEM messaging to a somewhat equivalent XML and JSON message.

Take a typical GEM interface that uses unsigned 4-byte integers for IDs and an event report containing 8-byte floating point numbers and 4-byte integers. An example of this message is shown in the table below in a SECS/GEM format per E5 and in equivalent JSON and XML formats.

secsgem format per E5 JSON XML


The binary SECS/GEM message will take 58 bytes over the wire, the JSON around 206 bytes and XML 175.  The JSON and XML numbers can change a bit based on key/element names and the above is just one of many possible representations.

secsgem-protocol graph

A chart showing the data density comparison for the example message is shown below.  The Actual Data size is 2 4-byte integers + 2 8-byte floating point numbers + 1 4-byte event id + 1 4-byte report id = 32 bytes of actual data.  The overhead is calculated by subtracting the actual data size from the total number of bytes for the message.


For the example message the data density for SECS the data density percentages are shown in the graph below.  Data density percentage is calculated by the (actual data) / overhead *100.


Now if we change the example message to have 100 8-byte floating point numbers in it, the Data Density % graph changes to the chart below. Notice the JSON and XML are relatively the same, but the SECS/GEM data density increases to 78%.


SECS/GEM encoding has very little overhead.  The overhead for a message is 10 bytes for a header describing the message, plus 1 to 4 bytes for the size of the message body.  For any 4-byte integer or floating-point number in a SECS message, 6 bytes will be sent across the wire, 4 bytes for the integer value + 1 for the type + 1 for the length in bytes of the data.  Likewise, for any 8-byte integer or floating-point number, 10 bytes will be sent. For a string value, the length will be the number of characters plus 2 to 4 bytes. Any time a List (L in the readable example above) appears in a SECS message, 2 to 4 bytes will be added to the message.  

Arrays of numbers are brutally efficient in SECS/GEM. The overhead for an array is 1 byte for the type plus 1 to 4 bytes for the length of the array, plus the data in its native size. For example: an array of 10 4-byte integers would take 42 bytes, that is a data density of 95%! 

In the JSON example, a 4-byte integer requires 16 bytes + the number of characters needed to represent the integer, so 17 to 28 bytes. Floating point numbers are the same overhead, but probably requiring more characters to represent the value.

In XML, the overhead is based on the sizes of the XML element names.  Using the element names in the example above, for any 4 -byte integer the number of bytes across the wire will be 9 + number of characters needed to represent the integer, so 10 to 21 bytes. Floating point numbers are at the mercy of the string formatting used to represent the values. 

In summary, looking at the per-item byte size across the wire, SECS/GEM is very dense.  Take the 4-byte integer example where SECS/GEM is 6 bytes across the wire, the JSON example is 17 to 28 and the XML example is 10 to 21 bytes and you see as you scale the number of parameters the overhead really matters.  300mm Semiconductor equipment are expected to transfer 1000 parameters per second per process module to the host.  For a 2-module equipment, this results in the following number of bytes just for the data: 12K bytes/ over SECS/GEM, 34K-56K for JSON, and 20K-42K for the XML example. These numbers do not account for size of the rest of the message, just the actual parts related to parameter values. If that data is transferred in lots of messages with few values per message, then the network load is even worse. Fewer, larger messages are always better in all cases.

XML and JSON may also add to the overhead depending on the transmission protocol used.  For example, XML is often transmitted over HTTP using SOAP, this adds two additional layers of overhead and more bytes going across the wire for each message.The numbers of bytes shown for SECS/GEM are what is transmitted across the wire on top of TCP/IP. 

No Data Translation

Numeric data is transmitted with no translation in SECS/GEM.  Numbers are transmitted in their native format.  For example: an 8-byte floating point number is transmitted in its 8-byte representation without any conversion, truncation, or rounding. 

Any protocol such as JSON or XML must convert those 8-byte floating point numbers into a text representation.  This takes computing resources for the encoding and decoding and significantly more bytes across the wire. IEEE754 requires 17 decimal digits to accurately represent an 8-byte floating point number as a string. Adding in characters for sign, decimal point, exponent and exponent sign leads to 21 characters. That is over twice what SECS/GEM sends across the wire.

Circuit Assurance

HSMS defines a circuit assurance mechanism called Link Test.  The protocol layer has a timer that is started if there are no active message exchanges. Every time the timer expires, a protocol message is exchanged to ensure the connection is still open.  


HSMS defines no security.  There is no validation of the connecting party, no credentials or certificate is required to connect. The data is not encrypted by any normal encryption algorithms; however, data is obfuscated through the data packaging process and is not generally human readable. 

Security is not normally seen as an issue since factory networks are isolated from the outside world.


The SECS/GEM Protocol Layer using HSMS provides a very efficient means of exchanging accurate data between the factory host and equipment. 

Click here to read the other articles in our SECS/GEM Features and Benefits series. 

To download a white paper with an introduction to SECS/GEM, Click below:

SECS/GEM White Paper

Topics: SECS/GEM, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, SECS/GEM Features & Benefits Series

SEMICON West 2018 Pre-Show

Posted by Kimberly Daich; Director of Marketing on Jul 5, 2018 12:29:00 PM

SEMICON West 2018 Beyond SmartSEMICON West 2018 is fast approaching and the Cimetrix team is gearing up for a great show.  The show runs from July 10th – 12th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco and we’re looking forward to meeting with all our present and future clients.

This year SEMICON West is unveiling the new Smart Manufacturing Pavilion to showcase the entire manufacturing process from silicon to systems, including Front End, Back End and PCB Assembly. Cimetrix is excited to announce that we are a sponsor and will be participating in the Smart Manufacturing Pavilion showcase, both as part of the Front End segment as well as in the PCB Assembly area.

The Smart Manufacturing Pavilion includes a “Meet the Experts Theater” featuring presentations from two of our own Cimetrix thought leaders.  Alan Weber will present “Making Smart Manufacturing Work: The Stakeholder-driven Requirements Development Process” on Wednesday, July 11th at 11:00 am. This process has already been used successfully to support the significant growth of SEMI EDA standards usage in Asia, but is equally relevant for a wide range of related Smart Manufacturing technologies.

Later on Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 pm, Ranjan Chatterjee and Dan Gamota of Jabil will present “Convergence of Technologies and Standards Across the Semiconductor, SMT and OSAT Segments.” 

Cimetrix will be exhibiting at booth #1122 in the South Hall, just a short walk from the Smart Manufacturing Pavilion. Stop by our booth or find us at the Pavilion to talk to our experts about your specific needs. We will have onsite product demonstrations as well as information about our company available.  You can also schedule in advance a time to meet with us at the show by filling out a quick form with your meeting request.  

Schedule a Meeting

See you at SEMICON!

Topics: Semiconductor Industry, EDA/Interface A, Events, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, SMT/PCB/PCBA