Industry News, Trends and Technology, and Standards Updates

That's a wrap - SEMICON China 2018

Posted by Kimberly Daich; Director of Marketing on Mar 22, 2018 10:30:00 AM

semichina1.jpgSEMICON China was held from March 14-16, 2018 in Shanghai at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Simultaneously co-located at this huge complex were Productronica China and Laser World of Photonics China. All three shows were very busy this year, and it is clear the electronics manufacturing industry in China is booming.

Cimetrix attendees included Dave Faulkner (VP Sales and Marketing), Ranjan Chatterjee (VP Smart Factory Business Unit), Michael Lee (Country Manager Taiwan), Yufeng Huang (Senior Software Engineer), Alan Weber (VP New Product Innovations), and Kimberly Daich (Marketing Manager); Hwal Song (Country Manager Korea) was also able to attend for one day. The Cimetrix booth was busy throughout the show, and provided a comfortable and convenient setting for the many scheduled and walk-in meetings that took place.

Cimetrix partners Facet and Flagship also attended the show, and participated in several customer/prospect discussions. In conjunction with our partner Facet, Cimetrix software products are now used in more than 25 production factories within the China market segment. Moreover, the relationships we have established throughout the semiconductor and electronics markets are strengthening our global presence and enable Cimetrix to provide local support to current and potential clients. The most recent example is our Shanghai office, opened in 2017.


In addition to the exhibitions, SEMICON China sponsored many forums for expert speakers throughout the show. One of these included the New Technology Release Forum where our own Alan Weber was selected as a speaker. His topic “Integrated Equipment Data Collection and Management for Smart Manufacturing” was well received by those in attendance. Smart Manufacturing has been a topic of keen interest at all SEMICONs over the past 18 months, and China was no exception; a separate forum dedicated to Smart Manufacturing drew a standing-room-only crowd to hear a broad range of speakers across the technology spectrum.

We are currently expanding our Shanghai office in response to the exciting growth opportunities we see for our industry in China, and look forward to many years of collaborative work in this region.

Topics: Doing Business with Cimetrix, Events, Global Services, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0

Equipment Control Logging Benefits

Posted by Derek Lindsey: Product Manager on Mar 8, 2018 11:02:00 AM


Equipment control applications are highly complex and have many moving parts that require a high level of coordination. Because of the high degree of difficulty, problems are bound to crop up. Sometimes the problems are related to a hardware issue. Sometimes the problems are caused by operator error. Sometimes problems are timing related. Sometimes problems happen infrequently. Regardless of the frequency or the cause of the errors, how do you go about debugging issues that happen in the field if you are unable to attach a debugger to the application?
The answer is logging.

As part of the CIMControlFramework (CCF) product for creating equipment control applications, Cimetrix developed a logging package. Our logging package has two parts – collecting the log messages and analysis of the messages.

The logging package allows you to assign a source and a type for each log message. The source specifies where the log message originated. The type is a category that can be used to route the log 

messages to specific output locations called log sinks. We have found the most useful log sink to be a text-based log file. The logging package can be configured for the types of messages to log. It can also be configured for how long to keep log files and how many to keep. This helps keep hard drives from getting too full.


The temptation for many users is to enable all log messages while developing the equipment control application and then turn all the logging off when the equipment ships to the factory. Cimetrix recommends leaving as much logging enabled as possible. This will help you avoid trips to the fab when a problem arises that can be solved via the logging package. Some clients worry about resource usage by the logging package. We have found that the impact of the logging package is light enough that it is advantageous to leave it on all the time.

The Cimetrix logging package was such a success in CCF, that we have started using the logging package in all Cimetrix products. The logging package has earned rave reviews from Cimetrix product users. Here are a few quick examples that show how valuable logging is:

1. An OEM customer called in a panic because because an end user was withholding payment due to a timing/throughput issue in the application. Together Cimetrix and the OEM reviewed the log file. Using some of the LogViewer analysis tools we were able to isolate and identify the problem within 30 minutes. The OEM was able to confidently tell the end user that they had found the problem and a fix would be available within the next software release. Because the OEM was able to support them so quickly remotely, the end user had confidence in the OEM and released the payment.

2. At Cimetrix, we often hear, “This only happened once, but…” With logging always enabled, it is possible to diagnose problems after the fact. This is especially important for problems which occur infrequently. Users of the Cimetrix logging package are able to resolve issues that happen only rarely.

3. Occasionally an equipment control application will deadlock – two different modules are waiting on each other and neither is free to proceed. Using the LogViewer’s Callstacks plug-in, in conjunction with the Timing Chart plug-in, make the process of diagnosing the deadlock much easier.


4. An end user called up their OEM equipment provider because the software stopped unexpectedly. They wanted to OEM to put someone on a plane immediately to come diagnose the problem. The OEM was able to view the log file to see that an operator had stopped the tool without the supervisor realizing it. When asked, the operator confirmed he had stopped the tool. Crisis averted. No plane ride required by the OEM to satisfy their customer!

5. A client came to Cimetrix for a training class. This client brought in a contractor to attend the class as well. Part of the Cimetrix training was used to review the logging package. During a break in the training, the contractor approached the instructor and asked if he could purchase the logging package separately for use in his other contracts because he could see several applications that would benefit from the power of the logging package.

6. Cimetrix is continuing to add useful plug-ins to the LogViewer. We recently added an E84 (automated material handling system) plug-in to assist in implementing and debugging material transfer. LogViewer allows users to implement their own custom plug-ins for analyzing data important to them.


These are just some of the success stories we have heard about in relation to the logging package. With equipment control applications and factory automation, there will always be issues to be addressed and opportunities to root cause unexpected behavior. Having a powerful logging package makes that process much easier.


Topics: Equipment Control-Software Products, Customer Support, Cimetrix Products

SECS/GEM series: Documentation

Posted by Joe Cravotta, Client Support Engineer on Mar 6, 2018 11:27:00 AM

Case_studies.jpgAs the first article in this Features and Benefits of SECS/GEM series points out, the SECS/GEM standards define a standardized interface that may be used on any equipment. A GEM interface exposes an equipment's capabilities through status variables, data variables, collection events, alarms, data formats, error codes, SECS-II messages, and other optional GEM capabilities. The GEM standard requires each equipment to come with documentation; ensuring a factory has the information it needs to use an equipment’s GEM interface. This documentation is commonly referred to as the GEM manual.

The GEM manual may be distributed in many ways. Currently, most GEM manuals are provided digitally in a Word, Excel, or PDF  document. The vast amount of information in a GEM manual is used to make purchasing decisions, develop host software, and test equipment. For a full GEM interface, the GEM manual must include the following topics: State Models, Scenarios, Data Collection, Alarm management, Remote Control, Equipment Constants, Process Recipe Management, Material Movement, Terminal Services, Error Messages, Clock, Spooling, Control, Supported SECS-II messages, GEM Compliance statement, and Data Item Formats. To keep this post a reasonable length, we will only cover a few of the required topics.

GEM Compliance Statement

The compliance statement is one of the first topics to be reviewed. It is a quick and easy way to understand the features of an equipment’s interface. The manufacturer is required to mark which GEM capabilities are implemented on the equipment, and if they are implemented in a way that is compliant with the GEM standard.


State Models

State Models is a fundamental GEM capability, and is therefore implemented on every equipment. This capability defines the Communication, Control, and spooling behavior of the equipment. A processing state model must be provided. However, it is not possible to define a processing state machine that can be used on every equipment. The processing behaviors that should be the same for all equipment are specified by the standard. Each state model must be documented with a state model diagram, a transition table, and a text description of every state. The consistent and detailed information about each state model enables a factory to start writing a host application as soon as they have the GEM manual.


Alarms, Collection Events, Equipment Constants, Data Variables, and Status Variables 

Alarms, Collection Events, and Variables are large components in gathering data from an equipment. It should not be a surprise that these are required to be in the GEM manual. Each alarm on the equipment should have its ID, name, description, and associated Set/Clear events in the GEM manual. The documentation for each collection event should include the ID, name, description, and a list of associated variables. The documentation for all variables will include an ID, name, description, and the data type. Information about a variables default value or value range should also be provided when appropriate. Although not required, it is common to display all this information in five tables that are easy to find. There would be a single table for each of the following: alarms, collection events, equipment constants, data variables, and status variables. See the examples below.



Collection Events


Status Variables


Remote Control

Once a factory can gather data from an equipment they start looking at how to control the equipment. Remote Control is the GEM capability that allows a host application to request an equipment to perform an action. Each remote command should be in the manual with its name, description, and details about each command parameter that may be sent with the command. The details of a command parameter should include the name, the format, and a description. An example is shown below.



GEM manuals rarely come in a format that is easy to parse in software. This often results in duplicating code and making small changes in order to communicate with other equipment. SEMI E172 SECS Equipment Data Dictionary (SEDD) and E173 SECS Message Notation (SMN) are two standards that can drastically increase the flexibility and reusability of a host application. SEDD is an xml file that is easily distributed and parsed in software. SEDD can be considered a modernized GEM manual because it contains much of the same information that is found in a GEM manual. For example, a SEDD file contains details about every variable, collection event, alarm, and supported SECS-II message. A SEDD file uses SMN to represent the data items, variables, and SECS-II messages. SMN is also XML and is the first standard to define a notation for representing data items and SECS-II messages. This means a single application can read a SEDD file, have a short configuration process, and then immediately start using the GEM interface of an equipment. These features allow a single application to be used with multiple equipment instead of creating slightly different variants for each equipment.

Wrap up

The GEM manual is a crucial piece of documentation that is required by the GEM standard to be provided with every equipment. The GEM Manual should be the first place to look for an answer when there is a question about an equipment’s GEM interface. SEMI continues to improve the content and flexibility of a GEM manual by updating existing standards and creating new standards.

Click here to read the other articles in our SECS/GEM Features and Benefits series. 

To download a white paper on an introduction to SECS/GEM, Click below:

SECS/GEM White Paper

Topics: SECS/GEM, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, SECS/GEM Features & Benefits Series

Cimetrix International, Inc., China; 矽美科国际有限公司,中国

Posted by Yufeng Huang; Software Engineer China on Feb 28, 2018 11:40:00 AM

Yufeng Huang of Cimetrix talks about our China Office Opening. Read now in Chinese or English.





地址:上海市浦东新区盛夏路399弄1号(A座)3楼328室3069单元 (邮政编码201210)

销售联系:Michael Lee

American Cimetrix Incorporated Shanghai Representative Office was established in August 2017. It is located in ZhangJiang High-Tech Park, which is also known as China’s Silicon Valley. The headquarters of Cimetrix, Inc, founded in 1987, is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Cimetrix is a software company that provides software products and services to OEMs and Fabs in the semiconductor, SMT, PCB, photovoltaic, LED and related industries.

Enjoying excellent customer reputation, Cimetrix considers itself more as customer’s trusted partner than customer’s supplier. We firmly believe that we have the ability to provide customers with the world's most advanced SEMI-based software solutions.

Cimetrix Shanghai Representative Office provides pre-sales consulting, customer training, after-sales technical support services to mainland China, Taiwan and other Asia areas. I am greatly honored to join Cimetrix Shanghai Representative Office in August 2017. In the past few months, we have continuously received favorable comments from existing customers and cooperation intentions from potential customers. Thanks for their trust and support of the company, we will, as always, provide our clients with the best and most efficient services. We believe that our products and services will meet customer satisfaction and greatly enhance your product quality.

American Cimetrix Incorporated Shanghai Representative Office
Address: Unit 3069, Room 328, Floor 3, No. 1 (Block A), Lane 399, Shengxia Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai (Post Code: 201210)

Technical Contact: Yufeng Huang
Telephone: +86-21-8022-0935

Sales Contact: Michael Lee
Telephone: +886-926395649


Topics: Doing Business with Cimetrix, Global Services, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0

SECS/GEM series: Recipe Management

Posted by Bill Grey: Distinguished Software Engineer on Feb 20, 2018 10:54:00 AM

recipe management SECS/GEMFollowing several SECS/GEM series blog posts, including Collection Events, Data Polling and Alarms, we now get into the features and merit of the GEM feature called Recipe Management. We will cover the definition of recipes, what recipe management means and why you need this feature!

What are recipes?

Recipes are sets of instructions describing how the equipment should process its material.  The Recipe content is defined by the equipment supplier.

What is recipe management?

Recipe management allows the factory host to transfer recipes to and from the equipment.   It also requires the equipment to notify the factory host when recipes are changed on the equipment.

Why do you need this feature?

Almost all semiconductor factories require this feature to ensure recipe integrity and to support traceability.   The host will upload approved recipes from the equipment and save them for later use to ensure that the recipe does not change.   For traceability, the recipe is usually saved with the process data.

How does recipe management work?

Recipes are passed between the host and equipment via SECS messages.   There are several sets of SECS messages to enable this.  E30 GEM specifies formatted, unformatted, and large recipe message sets.  The large recipe message set will not be discussed here. 

The equipment is also required to notify the host whenever recipes are changed by an operator at the equipment.  A PPChange collection event is generated with two data variables PPChangeName containing the PPID of the recipe that changed and PPChangeStatus containing the type of change (created, deleted, edited).

Once a recipe has been transferred to the equipment, the equipment should verify the content.  If the recipe is invalid, then a PPVerificationFailed collection event should be generated with a  PPError data variable containing the validation failure information to notify the host of the problem.  The recipe should not be used if it fails verification.


Each recipe is identified by an ASCII name called a process program ID or PPID.  The factory host and the equipment GEM interface use the name in recipe operations.


Recipes are persisted in a GEM interface. If the host disconnects and reconnects, or if the equipment is restarted, the GEM interface will remember the recipes.   In addition, most factory hosts will save recipes on the factory side.

Which messages are used?

Here is a summary of each of the primary messages related to collection events. Note that the “S” identifies the “stream” and “F” identifies the “function”. Together, a stream and function number uniquely identify a message.

All Recipes

Message ID




Host -> Equipment

Delete a recipe from the equipment.  

An empty list will delete all recipes from the equipment.



Request a list of available recipes from the equipment


Unformatted Recipes

Message ID





Equipment requests to upload a recipe



Equipment uploads a recipe to the host



Equipment requests a recipe from the host



Host requests to download a recipe



Host downloads a recipe to the equipment



Host requests a recipe from the equipment


Formatted Recipes

Message ID





Equipment requests to upload a recipe



Equipment uploads a recipe to the host



Equipment requests a recipe from the host



Host requests to download a recipe



Host downloads a recipe to the equipment



Host requests a recipe from the equipment



Equipment requests to verify a recipe



Equipment sends recipe verification results

Frequently Asked Questions about Recipe Management

How large a recipe can be transferred?

For unformatted recipe messages, the recipe is either a single ASCII string or a binary array value.  A single array value is limited to 16.777215 MB.

Formatted recipe messages, the recipe is split up into a list of items. A single array value is limited to 16.777215 MB.  Total message size is limited to 4.294967295 GB.

Click here to read the other articles in our SECS/GEM Features and Benefits series. 

To download a white paper on an introduction to SECS/GEM, Click below:

SECS/GEM White Paper

Topics: SECS/GEM, SECS/GEM Features & Benefits Series

SECS/GEM Series: Alarms

Posted by David Francis: Director of Product Management on Feb 14, 2018 10:30:00 AM

Previous posts have talked about functionality that allows data to be collected through the GEM interface so the factory applications described in the most recent post can analyze this data. With this posting, we return to a discussion of specific features and capabilities of the SEMI E30 GEM (Generic Equipment Model) standard, specifically the management of error conditions on the equipment.

In a perfect world everything goes according to plan, but in reality, things always go wrong. The secret to success is being able to know when something goes wrong, and then responding appropriately.

Minion_alarm.pngJust like a home alarm system, semiconductor fabs want to know when something bad has happened. They want to prevent the material being processed from being scrapped. Alarm management enables the equipment to notify the host when something goes wrong, and provide information about what has gone wrong. The GEM standard defines Alarm Management as the capability to provide host notification and management of alarm conditions occurring on the equipment. 

In GEM, an alarm is any abnormal situation on the equipment that may endanger people, equipment, or material being processed. For example, if a technician opens an access panel to replace a component, the equipment should send an alarm notifying the host that it is not safe to operate the equipment in its current condition. Another example might be if an equipment requires a high temperature for processing but a sensor detects a low temperature condition, it should trigger an alarm, since running the process under those conditions could damage the material being processed. It is also the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer to inhibit unsafe activities on the equipment when an alarm condition is present. The equipment manufacturer knows best what specific alarms are required on the equipment to ensure safety for people, equipment and material.

Often it is useful to have more information about the conditions in the equipment at the time an alarmflashing-red-light-1.png condition occurs. Communicating that additional information to the host is valuable, but cannot be done through the normal Alarm Report Send/Acknowledge messages. To provide a way to get this additional information, GEM requires that two collection events be defined for each possible alarm condition on the equipment – one event for when the alarm is set, and another for when the alarm is cleared. These collection events allow the GEM event data collection mechanisms to be used to send the additional related information to the host when an alarm changes state.

In addition to providing the time of an alarm state change, Alarm Management on the equipment must allow the Host to request a list of all alarm IDs and associated alarm text. The host must also be able to enable/disable individual alarms on the equipment, and query the equipment for the list of alarms that are currently enabled for reporting.

The state diagram for an Alarm is not very exciting, but it fills a vital need. The picture below illustrates the Alarm State diagram:


GEM alarms only have 2 states: each alarm is either SET or CLEAR. It’s simple but effective.

Alarm Management isn’t rocket science, but through effective use of Alarm Management, fabs can carefully monitor the health of their process equipment and minimize negative impacts to their production yield. 

Click here to read the other articles in our SECS/GEM Features and Benefits series. 

To download a white paper on an introduction to SECS/GEM, Click below:

SECS/GEM White Paper

Topics: Industry Highlights, SECS/GEM, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, SECS/GEM Features & Benefits Series

EDA Applications and Benefits for Smart Manufacturing Episode 2: The Stakeholder-Driven Requirements Development Process

Posted by Alan Weber: Vice President, New Product Innovations on Feb 7, 2018 11:19:00 AM

In the introduction to this series posted December 19, 2017, we listed some of the manufacturing stakeholders whose work objectives are directly addressed by the applications we’ll highlight in subsequent postings. Before getting into the specific capabilities and benefits of these applications, however, it seemed appropriate and timely to share a little bit about the process that the leading EDA practitioners use to ensure the equipment they are purchasing will support these applications. “Appropriate” because you may need to review and update your own purchasing specifications to clearly convey your requirements in the areas that are not directly covered by the standards (like model content, performance, and stability); “timely” because we at Cimetrix have recently conducted a number of customer workshops and seminars in which this process was effectively used and refined.


In particular, this article explains how the careabouts of key stakeholder groups are “translated” into specific EDA interface requirements which can then be directly included in the purchasing specifications. As more semiconductor manufacturing companies take this approach, effectively “raising the bar” for the entire industry, the collective capability of our equipment suppliers will increase in response, to everyone’s benefit.  

In the previous post, we suggested that manufacturing stakeholders, KPIs, applications, and equipment data are all interrelated. Since the ultimate beneficiaries in this value chain are the stakeholders themselves, the challenge then becomes how to capture their requirements effectively… because these are busy people whose time is precious. Through a number of interviews with leading manufacturers over the past 18 months, we discovered that the best way to accomplish this is through a focused, interactive questionnaire process. By asking very specific questions about people’s daily tasks, problem areas, expectations, success criteria, and other items of constant concern, we can take a generic EDA purchase specification outline and generate a complete, factory-specific set of EDA purchase specifications in a matter of days. This is time well-spent when you consider the value and volume of equipment potentially affected… and the opportunity cost of not having these requirements clearly expressed. 

The stakeholder answers to the questionnaire serve a broader purpose as well, because in addition to driving the content of the equipment purchase specifications, they also form the basis for a lot of manufacturing technology development within the factory. This overall process is shown in the figure below; documents and related artifacts are shown in red; the affected organizations (of which there are many!) are shown in blue. 


A blog posting can only hope cover a fraction of this overall process, but the sample questions below should give you an idea of how it works.

Sample questions for the Manufacturing Automation and Technology Development stakeholders include:

  • Are you familiar with SEMI E157 (Module Process Tracking)? Is it implemented on any of your current tools, and if so, do you monitor those events?
  • EDA_apps_benefits_3.pngDo you require that all state machines, states, state transition events, and attributes of the objects defined in the referenced 300mm SEMI Standards be implemented? If not, why not?
  • Do you currently use information from sub-fab systems in any of your on-line production applications, like FDC, PHM, R2R control, or others? If so, what range of equipment is supported, and how (pumps, chillers, abatement systems …)?
  • How do you express performance expectations for process variable reporting, such as sampling frequency, # parameters per chamber, report sizes, total bandwidth of all data reported, maximum latency of event generation, etc.? 

Sample questions for Production Operations and Engineering Support people include:

  • How do you schedule carrier pick-up and delivery from/to equipment, respectively? Is this done using algorithms in the AMHS/MCS/OHT system components, or do you get real-time updates from the equipment about pending lot completion and tool availability?EDA_apps_benefits_4.jpg
  • Do you need to have remote access capability for checking basic tool status outside the fab?
  • Do you require your suppliers to provide built-in data collection schemes (pre-defined reports, macros, etc.) to support common monitoring, maintenance, or diagnostic processes?
  • Do you have a list of parameters/events that must be collectable to support your production application portfolio?
  • Do you monitor any of the low-level actuator/sensor signals in the various mechanisms that make up a manufacturing tool?

Sample questions for the Procurement and Supplier Relations organizations include:

  • What compliance tests/reports do you require of the equipment suppliers before they ship equipment to your factories? Do you ever/sometimes/always visit the supplier's site to observe this process? What about after delivery?EDA_apps_benefits_5.png
  • Do you have a standard supplier response sheet or checklist for your automation requirements? If so, are you satisfied with its clarity, completeness, and ease of use for evaluating responses?
  • At what point in the equipment purchasing cycle do you review the capabilities of the interface software (event/parameter lists, model structure/content, projected performance, etc.)? When are these capabilities validated?
  • Do you assign a monetary value (say, some % of the equipment purchase price) to the interface software? 

If the above discussion triggers the question “I wonder if our EDA purchase specs are sufficient to address the manufacturing challenges we’ll face in the next few years?” give us a call. We’ll be happy to talk about how to support your stakeholders and automation team with an effective on-site workshop to address this question once and for all… It could be the most important next step you take in formulating you own company’s EDA implementation roadmap. 


As always, your feedback is welcome, and we look forward to sharing the Smart Manufacturing journey with you.

Click below to learn more about EDA:

EDA/Interface A

Topics: EDA/Interface A, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, EDA in Smart Manufacturing Series

SECS/GEM series: GEM Factory Application Support

Posted by Alan Weber: Vice President, New Product Innovations on Jan 31, 2018 11:30:00 AM

What do the factories DO with all that data?

Unlike the other postings in this series which deal with specific features and capabilities of the SEMI E30 GEM (Generic Equipment Model) standard, this blog identifies a number of the factory applications that depend on collecting data from the equipment.

Moreover, since we often hear the question “How do the factories actually use the different types of equipment information we’re expected to provide?” this posting will summarize the specific data required to support a number of these applications. This list is by no means exhaustive, but should give you an idea of the range of factory stakeholders whose objectives are supported by GEM data collection.The figure below illustrates the relationship between the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the factory stakeholders responsible for optimizing them, the applications used to achieve this, and data required by these applications.


The most effective way to share this kind of information is in tabular form. Within a group of related applications (e.g., scheduling, preventive maintenance), the applications are listed in generally increasing order of complexity, which is also the likely order of implementation by the factory applications development staff.

 Factory Application  Equipment Data Required
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) Transition events and status codes sufficient to classify equipment states for all time periods
Intra-equipment material flow Material tracking events; material location state indicators and state change events
Process execution tracking Start/stop events for all processing modules; recipe step indicators and step change events for all processing modules that support multi-step recipes
WTW (wait time waste) analysis The combination of events required for the intra-equipment material flow and process execution tracking applications (see above) and context data required to classify material states for all time periods (see the SEMI E168 Product Time Management standard for a deeper explanation)
Time-based PM (Preventive Maintenance) Run timers at the FRU (field replaceable unit) level
Usage-based PM Usage parameters and accumulators appropriate for each FRU, such as time-in-state, execution cycles, fluid flow rates, consumables flow rates, power consumption, etc.
Condition-based PM  Meaningful “health indicators” for each FRU
FDC (Fault Detection and Classification) Equipment/process parameters required by specific fault models and associated context information (this is difficult to do completely because most FDC models are “trained” with knowledge of “good” and “bad” runs, which is not known to the equipment supplier a priori)
Automated equipment interdiction Remote stop command (e.g., issued by an FDC application sensing an existing or imminent fault)
Equipment configuration monitoring Vector of important equipment constants with expected values and acceptable ranges; may need to support multiple sets, if the values are setup-dependent. Designed to catch human errors resulting from operator manual adjustments
Component fingerprinting Performance parameters for key equipment mechanisms, including command/response signals at the sensor/actuator level
Static job scheduling Setup and execution times per product/recipe combination and current setup information
Real-time job dispatching Estimate of current job completion time; estimate of completion time for all material queued at the equipment
Factory cycle time optimization Material buffer contents, job queue information
Operator notification Notification codes for frequent operator actions in a non-/semi-automated environment, such as load/unload material, select/confirm recipe, provide manual “assist” if the equipment is stuck, etc.
Real-time dashboard Equipment/component production status indicators
Equipment failure analysis Meaningful alarm/fault codes and perhaps recent history/statistics
Run-to-run process control Identification of recipe adjustable parameters and commands to remotely update them 


To the extent that some of the application data described in the table above can be standardized across equipment types, there is an opportunity to create generic factory applications that would only require a mapping from the supplier-specific GEM IDs (collection event IDs, status/data variables, equipment constants, etc.) to their generic counterparts. But this is a topic for another posting on the concepts of “plug-and-play” in a GEM context.

We hope this explanation helps you appreciate how valuable equipment information is for the factories that consume it, and therefore how important it is to provide a rich set of events, variables, and other detailed information in the GEM interfaces you design in the future. 

Click here to read the other articles in our SECS/GEM Features and Benefits series. 

To download a white paper on an introduction to SECS/GEM, Click below:

SECS/GEM White Paper

Topics: Industry Highlights, SECS/GEM, SECS/GEM Features & Benefits Series

SECS/GEM series: Data Polling

Posted by Derek Lindsey: Product Manager on Jan 24, 2018 11:30:00 AM

GEM is an industry standard, which defines standard methods to communicate between process equipment and factory host software for monitoring and controlling purposes. By connecting GEM equipment, factories can immediately experience operational benefits. Factory hosts can collect data in multiple ways. A previous blog post discussed collecting data by using collection event reports where data is pushed to the host based state transitions performed by the equipment. In addition to event reports, the factory host often has a need to poll the equipment for current data values. Data values can be directly requested by the host, or can be sampled on a periodic basis in a trace report. This is called Data Polling and is the topic for today's discussion.

datapolling_281485322-.jpgTypes of Data

There are three types of data in a GEM interface:

  • Data Variable (DV) – data items that can be gathered when an equipment event occurs. This data is only guaranteed to be valid in the context of the event. For example, the GEM interface may provide an event called PPChanged (triggered when a recipe changes). The interface may also provide a data variable called changed recipe. The value of this DV is only valid in the context of the PPChanged event. Polling the value at a different time may have invalid or unexpected data.
  • Status Variable (SV) – data items that contain information about the equipment. This data is guaranteed to be valid at any time. For example, the equipment may have a temperature sensor in a process module. The GEM interface may provide a ModuleTemperature status variable. The host can request the value of this SV at any time and expect the value to be accurate.
  • Equipment Constant (EC) – data items that contain equipment settings. Equipment Constants determine how equipment will behave. For example, a GEM interface may have an equipment constant called MaxSimultaneousTraces which specifies the maximum number of traces that can be requested simultaneously from the host. The value of equipment constants is always guaranteed to be valid and up to date.

Data Properties

Each of the three data types listed above have similar properties that help define the data. The equipment supplier is responsible for providing these properties in a GEM manual so that the factory host will be able to interact with the data. Some of the important data properties are:

  • ID – a numeric ID that must be unique in the GEM interface. These IDs can be grouped by data type and are referred to as SVIDs (Status Variable IDs), DVIDs (Data Variable IDs) and ECIDs (Collection Event IDs).
  • Name – a human-readable name for the data item
  • Format – the data type of the item. 
    • Data formats can be simple (numeric, ASCII, Boolean) or complex (arrays, lists, structures). For example, numeric types can be I1, I2, I4, I8 (signed integer types of different byte length), U1, U2, U4, U8 (unsigned integer types) and F4 or F8 (floating point types). 
    • List and array types contain multiple values in the data item. For example, image data would be formatted as a byte array. 
    • Structure types contain a specific type of data. For example, a variable may represent a slot map which contains carrier information as well as a list of slots and their wafer placement status.
  • Value – the actual value of the data item. Data values are in an accurate, efficient, self-describing binary format so that the host will know how to interpret the data. The data format allows for collection of more data more efficiently.

Collection Events (CE) and Alarms also have IDs and names. These items are discussed in other blog posts, but it is important to know about some of the properties for this post because these properties can be queried as well.

Data Polling

As mentioned, the factory host will often get data on a regular basis through trace reports and event reports that it defines. GEM also provides a method for the factory host to poll data based on its needs.

Status Variables

The host can query the value of status variables at any time by sending an S1F3 message containing a list of SVIDs for which to obtain the value. If the list has a length of one, only the value of the single SV will be returned. If the list has a length of zero, the values of all SVs defined in the interface will be returned. The values are returned in a list in an S1F4 message from the equipment.

The host can also request a list of SV names from the equipment by sending an S1F11 message to the equipment. The list rules mentioned above apply to this message as well. The return message will contain an entry for each SV that displays its SVID, Name and Unit.

Equipment Constants

Similar to the way SVs work, the host can also query the values of equipment constants defined in the GEM interface by sending an S2F13 message. The values will be returned from the equipment using an S2F14 message.

Also similar to SVs, the names of ECs can be queried using an S2F29 message.

Data Variables

Since data variables are only valid in the context of a collection event, there is not a method for polling values of data variables. The value of a Data Variable can only be reported in a collection event report.


In addition to the methods for polling data discussed above, the following items can also be obtained from a GEM host by polling the equipment:

  • Collection Events (CE) – The host can query what Collection Events are available on the GEM interface along with what DVs are associated with each CE. These are requested using the S1F23 message.
  • Alarms – The host can query what Alarms are available on the system by sending an S5F5 message listing the ALIDs of the desired alarms. The return message lists the alarm code and alarm text associated with the ALID. Two status variables are required to be present in every GEM interface. AlarmsEnabled contains a list of IDs of all enabled alarms on the equipment. AlarmsSet contains the list of ID for alarms on the equipment that are currently in the Set state. Since these values are status variables, they can be queried at any time.
  • MDLN and SOFTREV – The response to an S1F1 (Are you there?) message will contain the equipment model type (MDLN) and software revision (SOFTREV) for the equipment.
  • DateTime – The date and time for the equipment can be requested using an S2F17 message. The host can synchronize the equipment’s time using the S2F31 message. GEM requires the equipment to maintain a Clock SV containing the current time. Allowing the host to query and synchronize time provides the capability to order nearly simultaneous events on the system.

Trace Data Collection

Trace data collection provides a method of sampling data on a periodic basis. The time-based approach to data collection is useful in tracking trends or repeated applications within a time window, or monitoring of continuous data.

When creating a trace definition, the host provides the following:

  • Sample period – the time between samples. The resolution is in centiseconds, so it is possible to gather data very quickly using a trace. It is common for equipment so support as fast as a 10 Hz trace interval.
  • Group size – number of samples included in a trace report
  • SVIDs – List of status data to be included in the trace
  • Total samples – number of samples to be taken over the life of the trace
  • Trace request id – identifier of the trace request (GEM only allows trace IDs of type integer)

The host defines a trace request by using the S2F23 message. Trace reports are sent from the equipment to the host using the S6F1 message.

Trace Sample

Let’s suppose that a piece of equipment is processing a wafer and the processing takes 5 minutes. It is important to keep the chuck temperature within a certain acceptable range and to make sure that the chamber pressure stays below a specified level. It is sufficient to monitor the values at 15 second intervals, but we can create groups of data to only receive reports once a minute. The host could send an S2F23 message with the following trace configuration:

Trace ID: 100 (ID must be an integer)
Sample Period: 00001500 (take a sample every 15 seconds)
Total Samples: 75 (Samples every 15 seconds for 5 minutes)
Group Size: 4
SVID List:
   300 (ID of the status variable that contains information about chuck temperature)
   301 (ID of the status variable that contains information about chamber pressure)

After one minute, the first trace report will be delivered using an S6F1 message from the equipment. The message will contain the following information:

100 (Trace ID)
4 (last sample number)
2018-01-22T14:20:34.8 (date format depending on TimeFormat equipment constant)
Status Value List: (Length is 8: 2 SVs with a group size of 4)
   219.96 (chuck temperature for first sample)
    0.0112 (pressure for first sample)
   219.97 (chuck temperature for second sample)
   0.0122 (pressure for second sample)
   219.97 (chuck temperature for third sample)
   0.0120 (pressure for third sample)
   219.96 (chuck temperature for fourth sample)
   0.0119 (pressure for fourth sample)

After another minute the trace report may look like the following:

100 (Trace ID)
8 (last sample number)
2018-01-22T14:21:34.8 (date time shows one minute later than the first trace)
Status Value List: (Length is 8: 2 SVs with a group size of 4)
   219.96 (chuck temperature for fifth sample)
   0.0112 (pressure for fifth sample)

Three more reports will be received at one-minute intervals. The host can check returned values in the report and react accordingly if values are out of the expected range.


The host could poll status data using S1F3 if it wanted to check a value at a given point in time. It can set up a trace if it wants to continuously collect data over a given period of time.

Using the data sampling methods outlined in this blog will allow host applications to poll the data they need when they need it. GEM provides flexibility in requesting data from the equipment either by allowing the host to query values at a given point in time or to be sampled on a periodic basis using a trace.

Click here to read the other articles in our SECS/GEM Features and Benefits series. 

To download a white paper on an introduction to SECS/GEM, Click below:

SECS/GEM White Paper

Topics: Industry Highlights, SECS/GEM, Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, SECS/GEM Features & Benefits Series

President's letter to our shareholders, customers and employees

Posted by Bob Reback: Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer on Jan 17, 2018 11:00:00 AM

Cimetrix-Bob Reback copy.jpgWow – what a great year for Cimetrix and exciting time for our industry!

The president and CEO of Applied Materials recently said, “This is the most exciting time in the history of the electronics industry.” The race is on for faster/better/cheaper devices, cloud computing, autonomous vehicles, Big Data, artificial intelligence, the “Internet of Things” and more. This means the world needs not only a lot more computer chips, but also innovations in chip design, packaging and electronics assembly. The fast moving (and giant) electronics companies driving these trends are also pushing to get far more data from the factory floor to support their “Smart Manufacturing” and “Industry 4.0” initiatives.

2017 was a record setting year for Cimetrix. Revenues increased 34% year-over-year. The Company continued to operate profitably on a quarterly basis with operating income over 10% for the year. We invested heavily in R&D to pursue new technologies and products for long-term growth while strengthening our balance sheet with solid increases in cash and stockholders’ equity.

Going Forward

Cimetrix is uniquely positioned as the world leader in developing and using standards that connect manufacturing equipment to factory software systems. We are second to none in knowledge of “equipment connectivity” standards. We chair the relevant global standards committees, and are well known throughout the industry as experts in this vital domain. In addition, our products are used worldwide in hundreds of thousands of equipment connections. We recently expanded the Cimetrix team with some great new employees located around the world to better serve our growing international customer base, which now includes over 30 factories in Taiwan and China.

Based on what we see, the industries we serve will continue to expand their usage of equipment connectivity standards such as the Generic Equipment Model (GEM) to integrate more equipment into their factory systems, while the more advanced semiconductor manufacturers will accelerate their adoption of the latest Equipment Data Acquisition (EDA) connectivity standards.

While we are very bullish on the longer-term trends for our industry and Cimetrix, it is always a little difficult to forecast short-term results. For 2018, industry analysts are currently predicting a single-digit percentage increase in semiconductor capital equipment spending. While you might think we would be satisfied with another year like we had in 2017, we expect to perform better than the overall industry in 2018 for a number of reasons. First, the “design wins” we worked so hard to earn in prior years should lead to market share gains that result in higher percentages of equipment using Cimetrix software products. Second, we believe the adoption rate will accelerate for the newer EDA equipment connectivity standards, where Cimetrix products are the most proven and widely used in the industry. Lastly, we believe our reputation for providing the highest levels of technical support to customers worldwide, especially in the Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese markets, will enable us to continue winning new customers.

From all of us at Cimetrix, we thank our customers and shareholders for the faith and confidence they have placed in our products and our team. We will continue to strive for excellence in satisfying our worldwide base of customers and delighting them with innovative new products. 

Topics: Doing Business with Cimetrix, Cimetrix Company Culture, Global Services, Investor News