Cimetrix Videos


EDACafe Interview with Ranjan Chatterjee

Ranjan Chatterjee - VP Smart Factory, Cimetrix Connectivity Group, PDF Solutions

Sanjay Gungal from EDACafe interviews Ranjan Chatterjee about the Cimetrix Sapience data platform. Sapience Is a cloud native platform. It uses software like Kubernetes, which helps scale the software from one machine to thousands of machines as well as the application. 

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Advanced Backend Automation Technology

Alan Weber - VP New Product Innovations, Cimetrix by PDF Solutions
Brian Rubow - Director Solutions Engineering, Cimetrix by PDF Solutions

Automating assembly, packaging and test facilities has always faced challenges not seen by their upstream wafer fab counterparts. These include multiple material transformations (and associated carrier types), high product variety and velocity, complex unit product traceability requirements, significant manual intervention, low (relative to wafer fab) unit equipment costs and automation budget, and several others. Learn more by viewing the webinar today!

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Streaming Equipment Data for Smart Manufacturing: Sources, Methods, Uses, and Benefits

Alan Weber; VP New Product Innovations, Cimetrix Connectivity Group, PDF Solutions
Mike Motherway; Smart Factory Product Owner, PDF Solutions

Two key pillars of a Smart Manufacturing implementation strategy for the semiconductor and electronics industries are 1) rapid reaction to important manufacturing events, and 2) predictive modeling of imminent factory conditions. Both depend on real-time access to manufacturing equipment, which supply most of the data used by applications in these two domains. Moreover, the ability to stream this data from a disparate set of sources into a system infrastructure providing fast, reliable, unfettered access to its eventual consumers has become a fundamental requirement for leading manufacturers.

This webinar provides a practical introduction to these topics for Smart Manufacturing stakeholders in several company contexts, including semiconductor and electronics manufacturers as well as their equipment and software suppliers.

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SEMI EDA/Interface A Standards: Implementation Best Practices for Equipment Suppliers

Speakers: Alan Weber, VP New Product Innovations, Cimetrix by PDF Solutions, Brian Rubow, Director Solutions Engineering, Tami Tracey, Manager Solutions Engineering

The purpose of this on-demand webinar is to give equipment suppliers the information they need to meet their customers’ requirements for EDA/Interface A implementations on their equipment. This is becoming increasingly important as factories update their automation purchase specifications to support the latest data-hungry AI/ML-based manufacturing applications.

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Harnessing the Power of SEMI EDA Standards: Implementation Best Practices

Alan Weber; VP New Product Innovations, Cimetrix Connectivity Group, PDF Solutions
Ranjan Chatterjee; VP of Cimetrix Connectivity Group - Smart Factory, PDF Solutions

The SEMI Equipment Data Acquisition (EDA/Interface A) standards improve the performance and flexibility of communication between a factory's data collection, analysis, and application systems and the factory equipment. You will come away from this second webinar in the series understanding the EDA deployment process and some of the key solution technologies now available to realize the benefits while “future-proofing” the resulting factory systems.

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SEMI EDA Standards Are Essential for Smart Manufacturing: What You Need to Know and Why

Speaker: Alan Weber, VP New Product Innovations, Cimetrix by PDF Solutions

As companies implement Smart Factory and Industry 4.0 initiatives on the manufacturing and test operations floor, it is now essential for these AI and machine learning applications to have rapid and easy access to the massive amount of data that is being generated. In this webinar, you will learn what needs to be done to properly leverage EDA/Interface A in your manufacturing operations, and why these steps are essential to successfully achieving your smart manufacturing goals. This webinar is the first in a two-part series.

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Cimetrix Sapience Smart Factory demo

Cimetrix Sapience Smart Factory demo

You can view a demonstration of the Cimetrix® SapienceTM Smart Factory Platform. This is one unified platform that can run the entire factory.

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Overview Of GEM Standard

Join our Solutions Engineering team for a 5 part series covering the GEM Standard. 

Part One of Five   
Part Two of Five  
Part Three of Five  
Part Four of Five  
Part Five of Five

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Testimonial: SVXR on GEM implementation

Michael Jupina: Senior Director of Engineering

Learn how Cimetrix helped SVXR with its GEM implementation.

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Alan Weber, Vice President New Product Innovations: Discussions on the Giga Factory/Smart Factory

Alan Weber discusses the "Giga Factory: concept in a 300mm Factory.

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Ranjan Chatterjee, Vice President & General Manager, Smart Factory Business: Discussions on the Smart Factory

Ranjan Chatterjee discusses multiple topics in this series of videos related to the Smart Factory, Connectivity and Standards. 

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IPC Apex 2019 Show - Ranjan Chatterjee Round Table

Ranjan Chatterjee, participated in Round Table discussion on Using Data over Multiple Manufacturing Sites.

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IPC Apex 2019 Show - Ranjan Chatterjee Interview

SCOOP Interview with Ranjan Chatterjee,  Vice President & General Manager, Smart Factory Business, on Smart Manufacturing and Smart Factories today

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EDA Overview and Mechanica

The Big Picture: EDA Overview and Mechanics

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Watch more in the series listed below.

Ranjan Chatterjee, Vice President & General Manager, Smart Factory Business, Cimetrix at SEMICON West 

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Ranjan Chatterjee, Vice President Emerging Business, Cimetrix at SMTAi 

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What is EDA?

Equipment Modeling: E120/E125

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E164 - EDA Common Metadata

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Importance of Process Module Tracking

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Why is EDA Important?

EDA Vision for Manufacturing

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EDA Application Examples

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Seamless Sensor Integration with E164

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Lot Completion Estimation with E164

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How Do I Buy/Build an EDA Solution?

Creating Good EDA Purchasing Specifications

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