Cimetrix Presentations


Seeing is Understanding: Improving the Visibility into Smart Manufacturing Operations by Raising Our Standards

By: Alan Weber

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Adapting Wafer Fab Best Practices and Standards for Full Backend Automation

By: Alan Weber

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Smart Manufacturing requirements and standards for the Back End Semiconductor

Smart Manufacturing: Requirements, Standards, and Solutions for the Back End

By: Alan Weber

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Smart Manufacturing: An Evolving Nexus of Business Drivers, Technologies, and Standards

By: Alan Weber

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Making Smart Manufacturing Work: Customer-driven Requirements Development

By: Han Joo Lee - SK Hynix and Alan Weber - Cimetrix

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Getting the Most from the GEM Standard

By: Brian Rubow, Director of Solutions Engineering, Cimetrix Inc. 

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Addressing Connectivity Challenges of Disparate Data Sources in Smart Manufacturing

By: Alan Weber, Vice President New Product Innovations, Cimetrix Inc.

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Standards-based Multi-Source Data Collection in the Smart Manufacturing Era

By Alan Weber, Vice President New Product Innovations, Cimetrix, Inc.

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Smart Manufacturing Gigafab era

Smart Manufacturing in the Gigafab Era

By: Alan Weber, Vice President New Product Innovations, Cimetrix Inc.

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And many more...


ROI-based Approach for Evaluating Application Data Collection Use Case Scenarios

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Analyzing Event Data: Where Does All the Time Go? 

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EDA Overview: Characteristics, Benefits, and Applications Presentation by Cimetrix

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Raising the Bar: Foundry Expectations for Equipment Capability and Control

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Equipment Data-Driven Continuous Improvement for 200mm Fabs

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Lot Completion Estimation Using Self-Configuring Equipment Model-based Applications Presentation

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The Power of E164: EDA Common Metadata

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Factory Systems Architectures for EDA

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